Thursday, January 05, 2012

Tips on how to be happy

New Year, new me... starting with being happier with life, and taking nothing for granted...

  • Tip 1
Make happiness a priority. If happiness is not at the top of your list then other things will take precedence. If other things take precedence, they may well interfere with your efforts to feel good.

  • Tip 2
Make plans to be happy. Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Just like in any other life domain, the successful pursuit of happiness requires planning.

  • Tip 3
Set happy goals. Following on from Tip 2, planning requires effective goal setting. And don’t forget to make sure your goals are SMART (specific, measurable, achievable, relevant and timed).

  • Tip 4
Do things that make you happy. Although this sounds obvious, many people simple forget to do things from which they gain pleasure. And do them as often as possible.

  • Tip 5
Set yourself tasks from which you’ll gain satisfaction. As well as pleasure and enjoyment, satisfaction is also an important part of happiness. So make sure that when you’re planning your tasks and activities you include things that might not be fun, but from which you’ll gain a sense of achievement.

  • Tip 6
Play and have fun. Don’t take life too seriously. Although we all have responsibilities there’s no reason why we can’t approach much of our lives in a playful manner. In fact, those who do so will undoubtedly be happier.

  • Tip 7
Identify where your strengths lie. Know where your faults and weaknesses are to avoid problems. Know where your strengths lie to be really happy and to succeed in life.

  • Tip 8
Utilise your strengths. Although we all can and should endeavour to improve in areas in which we’re weak there’s just as much, if not more, to be gained from focusing on the maximal utilisation of your strengths (including all your positive qualities and attributes).

  • Tip 9
Be curious. Constantly search for new ways to be happy. Keep a look out for new ways to approach life and to have fun.

  • Tip 10
Be grateful and appreciate what you have. We all have many choices in life one of which is whether to focus on all the things we don’t have (of which there might be many), or to focus on all the things we do have. There’s no doubt, that gratitude and appreciation will significantly increase your chances of experiencing happiness.

  • Tip 11
Learn to like and ideally to love yourself. We must love before we can be loved. To love others and to be loved by others is a key component of happiness.

  • Tip 12
Invest time and energy in to your key relationships. Happy people spend more time working on and in their relationships. Happy people tend to be more supportive of other people in their life. Happy people are more generous and altruistic.

  • Tip 13
Socialise and interact with others as much as possible. Happy people have both more and better quality relationships. So as well as working to improve the quality of your relationships (as noted in Tip 12) it’s also worthwhile working to improve the number of your relationships.

  • Tip 14
Weed out unhelpful thoughts. The Dalai Lama has been quoted saying that “The central method for achieving a happier life is to train your mind in a daily practice that weakens negative attitudes and strengthens positive ones.” Learn first to identify your thoughts and then begin to challenge those that are negative and unhelpful.

  • Tip 15
Plant happier, optimistic thoughts. As noted in Tip 14, there are two parts to developing helpful, optimistic thinking. The first is to weed out unhelpful negative thoughts and the second is to plant more positive, optimistic ones. This is essentially a skill, and like any other skill becomes easier and more effective with practice.

  • Tip 16
Live a healthy life. Eat well and keep active. Exercise regularly. Although not impossible, it’s difficult to be happy if you’re constantly sick and not very healthy.

  • Tip 17
Ensure you gain adequate sleep and rest.
Consistent with Tip 16, it’s difficult to be happy if you’re constantly tired and struggling to find enough energy to get through the day. To assist with this, regularly practice relaxation and/or meditation strategies.

  • Tip 18
Manage your time and priorities. Happy people tend to believe they’re more in control of their lives. In doing so, they’re more likely to take an active approach to solving problems. If something’s not quite right in your life, do something. And further, make sure that what you’re doing is important. Put first things first.

  • Tip 19
Control what you can control. Accept what you can’t control. And learn to be wise enough to know the difference.

  • Tip 20
Live in the present moment. The author, Henry Miller once said Every moment is a golden one for him who has the vision to recognise it as such.” The only moment in which we can truly be happy is the present moment. The only moment over which we have control is the present moment. So be happy now! Because if not now, then when?

  • Tip 21 – an EXTRA tip to make you happy!
Make happiness an integral part of your life.
Develop happiness routines and make them a part of your every day living. Remind yourself however you can to do what you need to do and reward yourself as often as possible for doing what you’ve done.

Tuesday, January 03, 2012

No. 30 - Do the UAE sites and things I've been meaning to go to for years

So since I have been in Dubai I have done loads of things, I've sky dived, I've hot air ballooned, gone to Fujarah and even paid a trip to Yas Island for a concert... but while all these things are loads of fun, I have seriously been lacking in the old cultural part of the UAE. I've never actually ventured into Abu Dhabi - bar the newly built Yas Island.

So with my gorgeous mother visiting we set about exploring the cultural side of the UAE. I would love to say we got more done - there was a plan for Camel racing at 6am at some point.. but we were too busy having fun and eating far too much Christmas goodness.

So we managed a drive to Hatta mountains, and stressful trip to the Abu Dhabi Grand Mosque. I still have loads more I want to do, but this was a good start to exploring a new part of my country!

Monday, January 02, 2012

No. 26 - Go vegetarian for one month

So to start of the new year, I thought I would pick up another thing to get going with this month.. time is ticking by and I don't have that long till I'm the big 30!!

This month, since it's the month of New Years resolutions - most of which go out the window  by the 3rd, I have decided to go healthy and veggie for a month. Out of the fridge goes any left over turkey (which lets be honest it was time) and in comes loads of fresh veg and wild ideas of amazing salads off pinterest.

I started this board a couple months back - I know there are loads of meat things on here too, but also loads of salads and veggie dishes. SO hopefully I will be able to make some gems, and will post any good recipes up through the month....

Monday, December 12, 2011

No. 14 - Adopt a kitten

Meet Chase. The newest little Sol member. Over the last 4 weeks my life has totally been turned upside down, and everything I knew and loved has been taken away from me... So one day I am online, and see that this little guy was found on the side of the road by a lovely woman. She told me that he was run over by not one, but four cars... Luckily and by the biggest miracle, he survived, and was not by any of them. (5 lives left!) She pulled over, and picked him up, but couldn't keep him.

Ta Da.

In comes me, and suddenly my life is a whirlwind of crazy ginger stripes, and waking up with a little purring monster on my head at all hours. Words cannot express how he has helped me, and made me so happy these past few days.

The 30 Bucket list.

in exactly 5 months, I will be 30... and as every year my resolution is always to do more, procrastinate less, live life etc. this time- I have a deadline... and what better reason than to find myself after 18 months of marriage, to suddenly be single again.

One thing I think so many of us do when we get into relationships, is we loose our essence... what makes us amazing. You become a "we", and there is nothing wrong with that as long as you maintain your core spirit.

Well this is my way of finding out what makes me happy again... and discovering opportunities over the next 5 months in as much as I can!

So the list I will document and cross off as I go along...
(and I'm already on my way..)

30 Before 30
  1. Go back to church
  2. Take a photography class and Learn to use my camera on the manual setting
  3. Lose 9 kilos
  4. Get a new tattoo
  5. Finish my business website
  6. set up a etzy or big cartel shop
  7. Take pole dancing lessons. 
  8. Do volunteer work at least once a month - Starting in January
  9. Read 10 new books. 
  10. Add 15,000 AED to my savings account.
  11. Play paint ball
  12. Train for, and Run a 10K.
  13. Buy myself a nice, expensive piece of jewelry.
  14. Adopt a kitten  His name is Chase and he's GORGEOUS!!
  15. buy sexy comfy lingerie and where it just for me
  16. Read one of every of the books of the Bible (all the way through)
  17. Clean my closet and give away xx things.
  18. Treat myself to a shopping spree for new clothes.
  19. Dance my ass off in Ibiza.  (hopefully on my 30th)
  20. plant a herb garden
  21. Swim with the sharks.
  22. Open my heart to someone
  23. Forgive.
  24. Spend a night pub & club hopping in Dubai and watch the sun rise
  25. Learn Spanish
  26. Go vegetarian for one month. 
  27. Bungee jump. 
  28. Buy a Designer bag - A real one 
  29. Attempt Surfing
  30. Do the UAE sites and things I've been meaning to go to for years

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

30 Before 30.. the adventure begins

So I have decided since I am clearly rubbish at blogging I am going to run a 6 month long weekly blog... 30 things to do before I am 30:)

Its been quite a trend in the last few years - people creating bucket lists.

I am turning 30 on May 11, 2012, which gives me a little more than 5 months to complete the list. Some are easy-ish (buying a new wardrobe), some require a lot of work (losing 8 kilos), but I'm going to give it my best shot in the short amount of time I have… and document it along the way!

Stay posted for the list!! I think its going to a fun 5 months...

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Wise words:)

I love finding new blogs, especially inspiring ones. The blogs I usually see, make me want to draw more, or start reading my camera manual so I can take better pictures. a friend of mine sent me a blog recently that she was starting to write to inspire her more.. with God. Its taken me a while to read it (even more ashamably because I am not working at the mo) but I FINALLY read some of it today and I just loved it. Abs your wise words are very inspiring, when they are prayers, quotes, or letters. Looking forward to more to get my thoughts ticking again!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Always remember the point of it all

Its hard planning a wedding. Nobody ever tells you that even small weddings are stressful, and hard work, and full of big decisions that you never really though you would care about! But I saw a post earlier today on my favourite blog that was talking about remembering what's important, and that after your one, incredibly special day - you have hundreds of equally specially days with your hubby to remember and relish.

I love that thought, firstly because, (I could make holes in my socks I'm jumping up and down so much) I cannot wait to mary my best friend& love of my life:) and secondly, I think its so easy to get swept up in the whole emotional (not to mention prettiness) of everything wedding, that even as a not so wedding person pre-may, I fin myself increasingly wedding obsessed. So its good to have a little kick-in-the-butt reminder of what's important, what matters, and why we are doing this in the first place...

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Love is in the air

With the wedding fast approaching I get asked on a daily basis if I am getting excited/nervous/loved up... and to answer all of those questions, the answer is yes! Nervous that i am going to be a Mrs, scared that it will rain, loved up cause i get to spend the rest of my life with the man of my dreams, and excited cause well, its a wedding that we have spent 6 months planning, prepping, smoothing over the hick-ups and soon Thailand will be here, and I get to have an incredible holiday with those closest to us, and an amazing wedding on a private beach:) Yay me!!